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About Studio J

Studio J is a premier home furnishings provider in Central Ohio, specializing in fine furniture and interior design services. Our designers are highly knowledgeable of the industry and our brands.

Premium Home Furnitures at Studio J Furniture Store in Central Ohio June Sedlak Mooney brings years of experience in the furniture and interior design industries to the Columbus area. Working with her family’s business, Sedlak Interiors, one of the premier furniture stores of its type in Ohio, June eventually rose to a senior position. June was able to assist in keeping the company ahead of the competition, as well as maintaining the customer service standards that the company was founded on.

June’s expertise has been utilized in many publications over the years. Her reputation for thinking outside of the box has garnered attention from several popular magazines and newspapers, and she is consulted to discuss trends in the furniture and interior design industries. Through experience and passion, June has managed to set herself apart from your average designer. She enjoys getting to know her clients’ unique design preferences and looks forward to helping customers find that special piece that will bring their visions to life. She is extremely talented in the design space, and over the years has developed relationships with many leaders in the industry. These relationships enable Studio J to offer its customers customization options, as well as exclusive pricing.

June was highly influenced by her father, John P. Sedlak, founder of Sedlak Interiors, and she hopes to continue his shining legacy. Creating a warm, welcoming, boutique-style environment that allows team members to devote full attention to clients is another of the many distinguishing features of the Studio J experience.

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